Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Networking For Legal Professionals is very close to releasing a brand new “Networking” feature to the site. The feature will allow current members various ways to connect with other members.

We would like to pose an open ended question to Legal Professionals.

Question: What type of networking situations do Legal Professionals look for?

- Are you looking for other professionals to trade referrals with?
- Do you look to form alliances with out of area legal professionals?

Please share your thoughts by clicking on the “Comments” button below.

1 comment:

Joseph K. Watts said...

Adair & Myers, PLLC, Houston, Texas.

Our firm is a member of a group of moderately sized business law firms around the globe that meet in person twice a year at a member's host city. In the meantime, we share through non-face-to-face communications.

We are also a member of several local chambers and civic organizations that cater to the needs of our typical client's interests.